Congratulations to all of the authors and contributors of Ready to Fly, Volume 1… our eBook hit #1 on Amazon!
Volume 1 is Now a Best-Seller AND an Award-Winning Book!
Thank you all for your support!
Congratulations to all of the authors and contributors of Ready to Fly, Volume 1… our eBook hit #1 on Amazon!
Volume 1 is Now a Best-Seller AND an Award-Winning Book!
Thank you all for your support!
To celebrate our upcoming release of Volume 3, we are gifting our eBook of Ready to Fly, Volume 1 to our community, our contributors, family and friends. Winner of the 2019 Indie Book Awards for Women’s Issues, this book is the perfect gift for anyone woman who is navigating a life challenge.
Starting on Saturday, February 29th through Sunday, March 1, visit Amazon to get your FREE eBook of Ready to Fly, Volume 1. We hope these stories of strength and courage travel far and wide…
Feel free to share this with your community, and any woman who needs to know that they are never alone.
This month, My Word Publishing’s “Author Nite” will showcase a variety of books across genres, ranging from children’s literature, business branding to women’s stories of overcoming struggle. The event offers a chance to mingle with the authors, as well as publishing industry experts, ask questions, and hear excerpts from books. Grab a drink and dinner at Lincoln Station-Coffee Pizza Music with these great authors!
WHAT: Author Nite at Lincoln Station-A Variety Showcase
TIME: 6 to 8 p.m. on Wednesday, Sept. 19
Where: Lincoln Station-Coffee Pizza Music at
9360 Station St. in Lone Tree. (Lincoln Light Rail stop)
Cost: FREE!
This month’s featured authors:
Ready to Fly, Volume 1 is now available on Amazon!
Our official launch was March 20, 2018 in alignment with the Spring Equinox. Thank you to everyone who came to our launch party – what a great event!
To purchase your copy of Ready to Fly, Volume 1 on Amazon, click below:
The Women’s Anthology Project, Ready to Fly, was founded in 2017 in hopes of sharing inspiring and courageous stories with the world. One year later, I am proud to announce that we are in the final stages of launching Volume 1!
Here is a sneak peek of the cover…
We are on track to publish in Spring 2018 and I am beyond excited to share this with you! Be sure to check out our Facebook page, like and share with friends and family. Thank you for your support!
As we approach the time for decisions, commitment, and moving forward…I would like to extend a final invitation to join Volume I of the Women’s Anthology Project…
If there are any doubts, know that you are worthy. Know that your story is welcome here, and that you are so brave for even considering this project.
If the timing is right, know that you will be supported. Together, we will lift each other up as we walk through our past, using our inner light to guide us.
If you don’t know where or how to start, know that the steps will fall into place. If you are ready to share your story, you are already walking on that path.
“You don’t have to see the whole staircase…
Just take the first step.”~Martin Luther King, Jr.
To all women who hear this calling… the Anthology awaits. You may not decide to join us today or tomorrow, which is just fine… but know that when the stars align, and your heart is ready to answer the call… we will be here, with love and awe.
Until then… we hold space for you…
“When your world grows dark
and your soul feels heavy
rise up to meet the sky,
spend the night with infinity.
Let the universe wrap its
arms around you as you
draw courage from the stars.
Rest your weary head on hope
and know that you are loved,
for love is everywhere.”
~Christy Ann Martine
Today I hosted our first orientation meeting for the Women’s Anthology project… I am beyond excited and so grateful for these women. Their enthusiasm and passion keeps me going. Their experience and courage gives me hope. In a world of darkness, their light… our light shines so bright.
I wanted to pass on an inspiring quote that was shared with me today during our meeting… which is so relevant to our book and the message I would like to spread. When meeting and greeting others, try coming from a space of non-judgement, and perhaps even compassion. Be open and turn to wonder. Focus on sameness. Recognize how we are connected. Realize that we are all one…
From Marianne Williamson’s A Woman’s Worth:
“…My ego will try to argue that the person must be guilty of something, but my heart will recognize that his or her success is my success, if I can allow myself to applaud instead of criticize and bless instead of condemn.”
To the writers and readers of this project, to all who contribute to this journey ahead… my heart thanks you a million times over.
It is an honor to take on this project and work with so many dedicated and inspiring women. We will be writing about our journeys and share them with the world. This collection of works will include stories of strength, determination, transformation, and triumph.
This is only the beginning. I can see many of these women going on to write their own book. Some are already leading others in their own way. Some are just starting to blossom. Together, we hope to shape the future of other women, to give them hope by sharing our darkest hour…and how we found the light within.
Stay tuned for more information about this upcoming title as we take this year to reflect, create, and collaborate.